Represents a font in Penpot, which includes details about the font family, variants, and styling options. This interface provides properties and methods for describing and applying fonts within Penpot.

interface Font {
    name: string;
    fontId: string;
    fontFamily: string;
    fontStyle?: null | "normal" | "italic";
    fontVariantId: string;
    fontWeight: string;
    variants: FontVariant[];
    applyToText(text: Text, variant?: FontVariant): void;
    applyToRange(range: TextRange, variant?: FontVariant): void;


name: string

This property holds the human-readable name of the font.

fontId: string

The unique identifier of the font.

fontFamily: string

The font family of the font.

fontStyle?: null | "normal" | "italic"

The default font style of the font.

fontVariantId: string

The default font variant ID of the font.

fontWeight: string

The default font weight of the font.

variants: FontVariant[]

An array of font variants available for the font.


  • Applies the font styles to a text shape.


    • text: Text

      The text shape to apply the font styles to.

    • Optionalvariant: FontVariant

      Optional. The specific font variant to apply. If not provided, applies the default variant.

    Returns void

    font.applyToText(textShape, fontVariant);
  • Applies the font styles to a text range within a text shape.


    • range: TextRange

      The text range to apply the font styles to.

    • Optionalvariant: FontVariant

      Optional. The specific font variant to apply. If not provided, applies the default variant.

    Returns void

    font.applyToRange(textRange, fontVariant);