typeThe type of the shape, which is always 'group' for groups.
childrenThe children shapes contained within the group.
idThe unique identifier of the shape.
The name of the shape.
parentThe parent shape. If the shape is the first level the parent will be the root shape. For the root shape the parent is null
The x-coordinate of the shape's position.
The y-coordinate of the shape's position.
widthThe width of the shape.
heightThe height of the shape.
centerIndicates whether the shape is blocked.
Indicates whether the shape is hidden.
Indicates whether the shape is visible.
Indicates whether the shape has proportion lock enabled.
The horizontal constraints applied to the shape.
The vertical constraints applied to the shape.
The border radius of the shape.
The border radius of the top-left corner of the shape.
The border radius of the top-right corner of the shape.
The border radius of the bottom-right corner of the shape.
The border radius of the bottom-left corner of the shape.
The opacity of the shape.
The blend mode applied to the shape.
The shadows applied to the shape.
blurThe blur effect applied to the shape.
The export settings of the shape.
The x-coordinate of the shape relative to its board.
The y-coordinate of the shape relative to its board.
The x-coordinate of the shape relative to its parent.
The y-coordinate of the shape relative to its parent.
Indicates whether the shape is flipped horizontally.
Indicates whether the shape is flipped vertically.
The fills applied to the shape.
The strokes applied to the shape.
layoutLayout properties for children of the shape.
layoutLayout properties for cells in a grid layout.
interactionsThe interactions for the current shape.
Appends a child shape to the group.
The child shape to append.
Inserts a child shape at the specified index within the group.
The index at which to insert the child shape.
The child shape to insert.
If we know the namespace of an external plugin, this is the way to get their data.
The namespace for the shared data.
The key for which to retrieve the data.
Returns the shared data associated with the key as a string.
If the shape is a component instance, returns the reference to the component associated otherwise will return null
Generates an export from the current shape.
Adds a new interaction to the shape.
Removes the interaction from the shape.
is the interaction to remove from the shape
Represents a group of shapes in Penpot. This interface extends
and includes properties and methods specific to groups.