Interface OpenOverlay

It opens a board right over the current board.

interface OpenOverlay {
    type: "open-overlay";
    destination: Board;
    relativeTo?: Shape;
        | "center"
        | "manual"
        | "top-left"
        | "top-right"
        | "top-center"
        | "bottom-left"
        | "bottom-right"
        | "bottom-center";
    manualPositionLocation?: Point;
    closeWhenClickOutside?: boolean;
    addBackgroundOverlay?: boolean;
    animation?: Animation;

Hierarchy (view full)


type: "open-overlay"

The action type

destination: Board

Overlay board that will be openned.

relativeTo?: Shape

Base shape to which the overlay will be positioned taking constraints into account.

    | "center"
    | "manual"
    | "top-left"
    | "top-right"
    | "top-center"
    | "bottom-left"
    | "bottom-right"
    | "bottom-center"

Positioning of the overlay.

manualPositionLocation?: Point

For position = 'manual' the location of the overlay.

closeWhenClickOutside?: boolean

When true the overlay will be closed when clicking outside

addBackgroundOverlay?: boolean

When true a background will be added to the overlay.

animation?: Animation

Animation displayed with this interaction.
